whats new?

Here you find the changes made in the current and previous EMEGS-releases:

Release 3.2
New features
Bug fixes:

cluster mass test: support for wavelet data

Release 3.1
New features
Bug fixes:

cluster mass test: residualization of data for higher order effects in factorial anova

Release 3.0
New features
Bug fixes:

(migration to new version control server)

Release 2.6
New features
Bug fixes:

cluster mass test for t-tests, correlations and contrasts

Release 2.4
New features
Bug fixes:

log file (PrePro, EditAEM, EmegsAVG) naming without timestamp, appending to existing file

eye correction by sensor status defined in emegs2d

eye correction for CNT and BDF data

support for 24bit EGI data files

Time-Frequency analysis using Fieldtrip

Release 2.3
New features
Bug fixes:

support for Vitaport (VPD) data format

enhanced R-based ANOVA on windows

plotting of file based intervals (integration with interval wizard)

Interval wizard in emegs2d: GUI for userfriendly interval creation

Vectorized (Matlab) ANOVA calculation --> boosted performance

Release 2.2
New features
Bug fixes:

"cylinder" sensor type for MEG sensors

enhanced sensor configuration rotation/offset in emegs2d with aligning with HeadVol and BrainVol headmodels

geometric cover of chin/neck area

refined shape of HeadVol render model

Easy/Expert mode for PrePro/EditAEM/EmegsAVG & Emegs2d

Automatic logfiles for PrePro, EditAEM, EmegsAVG, ANOVA, TTest & value export

standalone continuous ANOVA & TTest ('EasyAnova.m' & 'EasyTTest.m')

PrePro predefined sensor net selection (EGI)

PrePro EDF dataformat support

PrePro E1 dataformat support

EGI file numbering (001,002,...) support for PrePro & BlinkFile creation in emegs2d

Enhanced "Brain" render model in emegs3d, selectable brain parts & eye balls

sensor group coloring of 'cylinder' type sensor markers

lighting & material selection for 3d rendering of head models in emegs3d

Release 2.1
New features
Bug fixes:

Support for BDF data format
PrePro filter configure dialog errors for highpass and stopband

adjustable transparency of 3d head shape
MicroVolt symbol im emegs2d/3d restored

contour lines on sphere head model

display of MRI analyze volume data in emegs2d

New layout of html help files
Editaem 'show worst trials' function

Galaxy- and sahara-colormap
Editaem manual channel threshold setting

Wavelet baseline calculation, wavelet contour plot type for channel zoom and global power

Manual channel exclusion from continous data display (EGI)

R-based ANOVA and Mixed-Effect-Model Analysis

pluggin for aggregation of SCADS average files

MEG intersubject sensor coregistration

Release 2.0
New features
Bug fixes:

Enhanced FileMan averager module: support for condition pooling ('[...]'), weighting, normalization, baseline correction, and naming options

cell averaging for ANOVA-module, including Std-Error values for statistical curve plotting in emegs2d

Modified coloring of AutoEditMat-display in EditAEM; automatic update of default type 2 threshold;

Parametric input on the emegs3d-menu for 3d texture positioning, coverage, tilt and neck shape

Introduction of class objects: ScadsAt, FileMatrix, ScadsFileMatrix

- PrePro-Call-EditAEM-Strings fit for 256 channel setup

Release 1.9
New features
Bug fixes:

Global Power plotting for selected channelgroups

PrePro support for EGI-session-filenames (*001.RAW, *002.RAW etc) and 'Measured Zeros : <see separate file>' -line in HIST files

- Changed folder structure: merging of the Geo, pplib
and the emegs2dlib folder into one (and only) emegs2dLib

- General Linear Models tool

- Shortcut keys for ANOVA-design and ANOVA-run

- Memory warning for pointwise ANOVA/GLM

- Enhanced design history in ANOVA design text-mode

- Eye-movement and blink correction in PrePro;
Creation of blink files and display of continuous EGI-data and events using emegs2d

PrePro-set-filter-problem after using emegs2d. Global variable now cleared.

- Routines for automatized creation of sensor group files and intervall files -
Error-probability for continuous-results-anaylsis corrected (1-p instead of p)!

- Enhanced user interface design of EditAEM

- Enhanced threshold setting procedure in EditAEM: graphical display of the
EditMatrix and contextmenu for displaying selected trials in the matrix
Changed color and linestyle of threshold line (black now), reduced WeightEditMat-display for large datasets; Name problem (.E1) solved on 'Show Trial'

- Customizable 3d-sensor-object colors -
Coloring fixed for Matlab 6

- Averaging module in 'FileMan' for easy calculation of GrandMeans

Release 1.8
New features

- Automatized export of 3d-plots for animated gifs or movies

- Automatized creation of 3d-plots for multiple subjects and per subject scaling

- Interactive creation of channelgroupfiles ('Emegs3d\Special Tasks\IA Chgroups\')

- Gui for rmANOVA-design: Design-History, load and save designs, Design-folder in 'emegs/emegs2dUtil/'

- Batchmode calculation/export of Scalppotential/Laplacian/Cortical Mapping to SCADS files using the emegs3d-export-function

- Potential-texture tilting, vertical positioning and 3d-sensors-objects for realistic render models'