EMEGS (Electro Magneto EncaphaloGraphy Software), the
software for psychophysiological research.
Visit us at http://www.emegs.org/!
EMEGS (Qt version) is built with Digia's open source
cross-platform GUI library "Qt".
Some statistical testing is done using the "R"-software for
statistical computing. Data exchange with R is performed with the
help of the TCP-Server "Rserve" and the included C++ client.
Several BOOST libraries are used in this project, nameley the
uBlas library, the Date/Time library, and the Math library.
More complex matrix calculations are performed (of course) using
the LAPACK library. Basic numerical calculations are performed
using the netlib fdlibm by Sun Microsystems.
Fast-Fourier-Transforms are performed using the netlib BIHAR
library, which contains the double precision routines of the
netlib FFTPACK library. Independant component analysis is
based on the MATLAB source coude included in EEGLAB (version
14.1.2). EDA signal decomposition is based on Ledalab
version 3.45 for MATLAB developed by Mathias Benedek.