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SQL database setup

EMEGS (Qt version) can store results in an SQL database, making data storage and retrieval very convenient. To setup an SQL database for EMEGS (Qt version) to use, specify the database settings in the study configuration dialog. Enter database driver (type), hostname, port, username, password, database name in the corrseponding fields. You can test the database access using the test connection button. Qt in general can handle multiple database types. At the present point, EMEGS (Qt version) support the database types described below.


This single file based database should be available in all Qt installations. By default, the database file is stored in the studyfolder and named as the studyfolder with an ".sqlite" file extension.


To use a MySQL database, a mysql server must be reachable under the specified connection options. Additionally, the Qt MySQL plugin must be available.

On Linux, precompiled binaries should be available for your distribution and can be downloaded and installed using the standard software installation routines (e.g. YAST on SUSE).

On Windows, the MySQL plugin may not be available and needs to be recompiled. Aditionally the libmySQL.dll needs to be found by Qt, so the MySQL bin-directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin) needs to be added to the PATH variable.