Welcome to emegs.org!
EMEGS (ElectroMagnetic EncaphaloGraphy Software) is an open source software for psychophysiological data analysis. There are two versions available: the original MATLAB based package which requires the MATLAB environment and a stand-alone Qt based version.
To download EMEGS, visit the download page.
Numerous studies have used EMEGS for preprocessing, visualization or statistical analysis. You can find a list of references here.
Please refer to EMEGS (all versions) in publications as follows:
Peyk, P., De Cesarei, A., & Junghöfer, M. (2011). Electro Magneto Encephalograhy Software: overview and integration with other EEG/MEG toolboxes. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Volume 2011, Article ID 861705.