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Marker analysis

The marker analysis is concerned with timing information needed for the analysis of other channels, exporting values or event-related averaging. It reads timing information from a raw data file, either as a dedicated data channel, an associated file or as information from the data file header, and produces easily readable und modifyable time tables, stored as text-files. It can also be run without dedicated marker/trigger information, subdividing the length of the entire file in a certain number of segments, or  fill up the file duration with segments of a fixed size. The latter is called "parametric" marker type, the former "standard" marker type.

Timing files

Timing files in EMEGS are needed for certain analysis types that require timing information (such as STARTLE, SPECTRAL, CROSSSPECTRAL, ICG), for exporting values and for  timed data read-in. Other then by using the MARKER analysis, they can also be created in a text editor or a table calculation software like OpenOffice.Calc or Microsoft Excel.

Timing files must always live in the same directory as the raw data file they refer to. They must be named identically to the raw data file except the file extension which must be >> .t  <<.

So a varioport data file named TEX05402.vpd would have an associated timing file called TEX05402.t (these two files are included in the test data folder).  The content of the timing file, which is a standard tab-delimited text file, is a 6 column table with one header row. Here you can see an example:

Condition    Start          End            Duration    SegmentNr    ConditionNr

11           151.7480469    159.7636719    8.015625    1            1
21           169.2929688    176.3183594    7.0253906   2   
       185.9492188    193.9648438    8.015625    3            1
       215.2246094    223.2402344    8.015625    4            2
       232.2617188    239.2949219    7.0332031   5            2
       249.3867188    257.4121094    8.0253906   6            2
       266.5214844    273.5566406    7.0351562   7            3
       283.96875      291.9941406    8.0253906   8            3
       300.2832031    307.328125     7.0449219   9            3
       317.2382812    325.2539062    8.015625    10           4
       333.4726562    340.5078125    7.0351563   11           4
       349.8886719    357.9042969    8.015625    12           5

Condition is usually the trigger/marker value, Start and End are time points relative to file start time in seconds. The Duration, SegmentNr and ConditionNr columns are included for readability only, and are otherwise ignored by the program. So when editing or creating timing files by hand in a text editor, excel or other program, you do not need to worry about keeping the these columns in order. In fact, you do not event need to have these columns at all.

Timing file subsections

Timing files can include several timing definitions to be used alternatively. This is needed for instance when data channels have different response windows, such as EDA (from around one to a few seconds after stimulus onset ) and EMG (within the first second after stimulus onset). A new section in a timing file starts with a line containing only the section name (or the section "tag") and the colon-character. For instance the above file could look like this to hold a second timing set called "eda":

Condition    Start          End            Duration    SegmentNr    ConditionNr

11           151.7480469    159.7636719    8.015625    1            1
21           169.2929688    176.3183594    7.0253906   2   
       185.9492188    193.9648438    8.015625    3            1
       215.2246094    223.2402344    8.015625    4            2
       232.2617188    239.2949219    7.0332031   5            2
       249.3867188    257.4121094    8.0253906   6            2
       266.5214844    273.5566406    7.0351562   7            3
       283.96875      291.9941406    8.0253906   8            3
       300.2832031    307.328125     7.0449219   9            3
       317.2382812    325.2539062    8.015625    10           4
       333.4726562    340.5078125    7.0351563   11           4
       349.8886719    357.9042969    8.015625    12           5


       149.7480469    159.7480469    10          1            1
       167.2929688    177.2929688    10          2            1
       183.9492188    193.9492188    10          3            1
       213.2246094    223.2246094    10          4            2
       230.2617188    240.2617188    10          5            2
       247.3867188    257.3867188    10          6            2
       264.5214844    274.5214844    10          7            3
       281.96875      291.96875      10          8            3
       298.2832031    308.2832031    10          9            3
       315.2382812    325.2382812    10          10           4
       331.4726562    341.4726562    10          11           4
       347.8886719    357.8886719    10          12           5

The first section is the (unnamed) default section and is processed if the section name is empty or not defined.

The MARKER analysis is meant to be run in batch mode, since it is a strictly rule-based process which requires no user interaction with the data. All analysis options can be configured beforehand. But since the analysis itself is quite fast, the process can be repeated with adjusted settings if the result is not as expected.

Moreover, the marker analysis also serves to modify existing timing information from previous analysis runs. This is done using the "modify" mode, whereas extracting information directly from the raw file is referred to as "standard" mode.

The marker configuration page on the configure-study-dialog for the standard mode is given here below.

You can restrict the values EMEGS extracts from the data files by using the fields values-of-interest and values-to-ignore and also using a minimum or maximum event length.

The marker configuration pagen for the modify mode looks a little different:

Allowed commands in the modification tables are explained in the following table:

Command Explanation
subdivide n subdivide the corresponding segment in n parts of equal length
fill n fill the corresponding segment with segments of length n
collapse start collapse segment from collapse start through collapse to collapse end into one bigger segment
collapse see above
collapse end see above
leave leave the corresponding segment unchanged
drop drop the corresponding segment
fromoffset [n m] change the timing of the corresponding segment by adding n to its onset and replacing its offset by onset + m
fromonset [n m] change the timing of the corresponding segment by replacing its onset by offset + n and adding m to its offset
recode n
change the name of the corresponding segment/condition to n

The condition based modification applies these commands depending on the condition value (trigger value), the line based modification depeding on the line number.

Note: To apply a command to all conditions in a file, you can use the wildcard character * in the Condition column. Multiple conditions (but not all) per command are not yet supported, but will be in future releases.

Combined with the data in tag and data out tag field, you can for instance use the leave command, to copy segments from one tag to another, or you might use the leave and drop commands to extract certain lines or conditions from one tag and store them in a different one.

With the commands given above the modify-mode offers you a set of very powerful tools to adjust your timing definitions according to your needs.

Timing defintions in the database

Rather than creating timing files, you can also choose to save all timing information in the database. Except for the way the information is stored, there is no difference between timing files or timing definitions in the database. Both mechanisms allow you to work with multiple tagged subsections for the same raw data file, and both mechanisms allow for modifications using the modify-mode of the MARKER analysis.

Keeping timing definitions makes it a little more difficult to edit or view the segment definitions, but keeps everything neatly together with the rest of the data. To delete timing definitions use the Delete data & segments dialog, which is described here.

To view timing definitons in the database, use the Timing editor dialog. It is available in the "Tools" menu, in the "Database tools" submenu, and looks like this: